Pastor Matt
I was born into a great family in West Michigan and grew up in North Central Iowa.
My life post-high school:
Dordt College 1 year – awesome college but didn’t stay long, however I met my future wife there!
North Iowa Area Community College 1.5 years – got a certificate in Building Trades Carpentry
Construction worker 2.5 years – Jesus was a carpenter before the formal ministry…
Youth Director 2.5 years – Always loved the crazy kids, always will
Kuyper College 3.5 years – received a bachelor of science in Bible and Theology with a minor in Greek
Jerusalem University College .5 years – Can’t beat studying on location!
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary 4 years – Received a Masters of Divinity and fell in love with Ultimate Frisbee there…
While at Gordon-Conwell I reconnected with Julie (since losing track of each other from back in the Dordt College days). We fell in love and got married in 2010 and now have 3 amazing kids!
After enjoying my first call at Emmanuel CRC here in Calgary as an associate pastor, I was called to serve Covenant in the Spring of 2015.
I love walking through the Word of God in the sermons on Sunday mornings and then with this church during the week as we seek to love God and love those he has placed around us!
I also enjoy getting a few people together for a mountain hike or scramble, or sipping on a good coffee over a good conversation.