Who we are

About our local gathering...

We are so glad that you stopped by!

We are a community of grace. Believers rising to new life in Christ. We enjoy gathering on Sundays to worship our great God! We seek to grow in our faith through various discipleship opportunities. We love experiencing community together (especially around food), and we try to reach outside of our church to help others know the blessing of Jesus Christ and the life He gives. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask anyone in the church or fill out the form below and we will eagerly get back to you.

Together we are a pretty good blend of young and old and everyone in between. Through the things we say and the things we do, we try to proclaim the good news that Jesus brings new life. Through the things we say and do, we try to be good news.

What we Believe

We are grateful to God that He has revealed Himself to us by means of Holy Scripture. His Word is wholly trustworthy and true, without error. Through it, we rightly understand who God is, who we are, and how God shows His will and love for us.

We believe in truths expressed in the ecumenical creeds: 
  • Apostle’s Creed
  • Nicene Creed
  • Athanasian Creed
And the Reformed Confessions: 
  • The Heidelberg Catechism
  • The Belgic Confession
  • The Canons of Dort
We believe that all people ought to repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation from their sins. Christ will not deny the brokenhearted who turn to Him.

We believe that in Christ we are new creations, the old is gone, and the new has come. We have identity in Him. He gives us purpose and life.

We believe that Jesus Christ also reigns over heaven and earth, therefore He is King! So by the power of the Holy Spirit we seek to trust and obey Him.

Our great ends is the glory of God!

Jesus Christ is King and this world is His Kingdom. It is glorious!

Our Focus as a Church

"...be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness."
Eph 4:23–24.


We believe that as new creations and co-heirs in Jesus Christ we participate with him in bringing glory to the Father, our praises are made perfect through Jesus who intercedes on our behalf as the great high priest.


We desire as believers to be transformed to the likeness of Christ by the renewing of our mind by the power of the Holy Spirit. We desire to pursue God through prayer, studying and applying his Holy word. 


We gather as part of the universal body of Jesus in the world. We meet to support, encourage and strengthen one another in righteousness for the glory of God.


As the body of Jesus in the world, we are His hands and feet. As such we participate with the work of the Spirit of God to bring the kingdom of God into reality. We do this by
"...seeking justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with our God" Micah 6:8
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